Buenos Aires: Urban Field Experience




UW Tacoma’s Urban Studies program and the Office of International Programs are pleased to introduce a field course abroad to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The program will immerse participants in the urban landscape of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Using site visits, guest lectures, and group activities, students will be exposed to the city’s current political, economic and cultural reality. Over the 4-week period, students will acquire a broad knowledge base of the evolving economic, political, cultural, and social forces that are constituted in and reverberate across the city in current global and neoliberal times.

Academic content

UW students that participate in this program will receive a total of 12 credits for the following:

  • T URB 379 Urban Field Experience (12 credits) – This urban field course is based in a metropolitan area. Examines urban problems, issues, and developments through site visits, presentations by local experts, and student research and reports. Includes visits to U.S. and foreign cities. Topics vary, depending on city visited. The specific content of this course includes four weeks of intensive field study and data gathering in Buenos Aires. Additionally, students will complete relevant readings and conduct an independent comparative analysis project.

This course satisfies requirements for several degrees, including UW Tacoma students with majors in:

  1. Sustainable Urban Development. This course can be used to fulfill 12 of the required credits for program electives.
  2. Urban Studies (declared the major prior to Autumn 2015). This satisfies 12 of the required credits for program electives.
  3. Urban Studies (declared the major on or after Autumn 2015). This course counts towards the general elective credits.
  4. Environmental Science. This course satisfies the Social Science with an Environmental Focus requirement.
  5. Environmental Studies. This course satisfies the Urbanization and Social Issues requirement.

Students majoring in other fields should check with their academic advisor for placement of credits within their degree (check with your academic advisor for special cases).

Highlights include:

  • Independent data collection through observations and mapping.
  • Living in walkable, interconnected, new urbanist neighborhood of Buenos Aires.
  • Cultural exchange with local non-profit and advocacy leaders.
  • Site visits to major urban nodes within the city.

Program Dates

July 21 – August 21, 2016. Students will be required to do the readings, design and conduct a comparative analysis project in the field and will participate in group discussions during their stay in Buenos Aires. Students will be required to create a summary portfolio of their analyses at the end of the course.

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