The Fund for the Public Interest (Nonprofit) is hiring!

The Fund for the Public Interest which is a national non-profit organization that runs grassroots campaigns. The Fund partners with nonprofits from around the country to win hard-fought campaigns by building the people power that organizations need to spur social change. They’re hiring!

“Have you heard about the Fund’s work to stop the use of bee killing pesticides? Science is continuing to show the correlation between the use of neonicotinoid pesticides and the rapid die-off of our bee populations. The misuse and overuse of these pesticides — especially in large-scale agriculture — is having severe consequences for our pollinating species, which in turn threatens our food supply. Recently 7 species of bees were officially put on the national endangered species list!

We’ve partnered with Environment America to call on the EPA to stop the use of these incredibly dangerous chemicals.

Just recently the state of Minnesota declared much tighter restrictions on the use of these pesticides, requiring farmers to prove that without them there would be serious economic catastrophe and a substantial loss of production. Also, the city of Seattle and Spokane have already banned the use of these harmful chemicals on public city lands, but we need to continue this work to expand outside of the city and into our agricultural system.

This last summer we were involved in these progressive movements by getting more than 90,000 people to take political action by directly petitioning the EPA. We mobilized support from San Diego to Minneapolis to Chapel Hill, N.C, and all the way up in Seattle, WA.

This isn’t the first time we’ve convinced the EPA to work with us on pressing environmental issues. We were also involved in convincing the EPA to restore clean water protections to over 2 million miles of streams and rivers providing drinking water for 117 million Americans by building massive public support through our campaign work!

Now, we’re calling on the EPA to take action once again. Do you know any students who would be interested in joining us? Please forward this message to your students and urge them to apply. It’s a great way to gain experience in the realms of political activism, environmental non-profit, fundraising, leadership experience, organizing, public outreach, and more.”

Find more info at and apply through this URL here:

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